We’re sitting by candlelight to make this entry. We arrived in the village with my friend Pat’s tour group.
Our MWEEP women were ready for us with a fantastic lunch and some gift exchanging. We then headed outside for some beautiful singing and dancing by the women after which we walked through the bush to a manyatta to view traditional homes. It seemed like there just wasn’t enough time to ask all the questions and take it all in. We had a ride to their “camp” and had a presentation by the moran men –singing and dancing. It is always spectacular to see their jumping.
Thursday we walked to school with our host Rosemary to see the local school. We had a tour with the headmaster. Later Rosemary and I walked to Lucy’s house for lunch. I wish you could have been with me. We were walking through the bush and then came to the edge and below us was another drop and a beautiful valley. Once down the drop we headed to Lucy’s. I’ll have a wonderful story about her progress.
Friday Lucy and I had a day together while Rosemary finished with the closing ceremony at school. The school year is now over. We got out on the road by 7:25 to catch a matatu (small Mazda truck), luckily ey let me in the cab. The back was crammed with people. We stopped at Kimuka and saw the new girls secondary school. Then we had an opportunity to visit with a girl who has received a scholarship and several mother’s of some of the other girls. We also met Joshua who was in our home. Then hanging around for awhile until we got a ride to Ngong. Much was accomplished there and we met many more parents, girls, and pastors. The fathers that I met are all very happy that they daughters are getting an education.
Tomorrow several of the MWEEP women and I are going to Nairobi to meet with the in country director of another NGO that we may be able to team up with to provide some business training.
Sunday we will meet with the girls that have received scholarships (after church), then the officers of MWEEP will meet with me.
Jon is busy helping a carpenter and today they went to Karen to collect timber for the desks he will be building for a preschool. Right now the students sit on rocks.
Hunter and Austin, today I saw many giraffes, gazelle and some dikdiks.
Great website Nana and Papa! Love Austin
What are Dikdiks? From Hunter
mThanks for the comment Austin. Hunter we will show you pictures of a dik dik. They are very small antelope or deer. We need to look it up in Papa's book.
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