MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My husband Jon and I are in the last week or preparations for our trip to visit our Maasai friends. This year we will be there from November 27th until December 18th. Then we'll head to England to be with our daughter's family and our son for Christmas.
The MWEEP Kenya women have set a great schedule for us so that we can meet with many girls, parents, MWEEP women, village chiefs and other organizations.
We will be trying to have blog entries as we go, so please check back to see what is happening during our time there.
Jon will also be spending some time with education about the watershed in conjunction with SIMOO.
The photo is of Rosemary Sakuda, MWEEP chairlady, her pre-school students, Jon and Loanna Day with their daughter and grandsons.

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