MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Sunday, October 19, 2008

African Dinner for MWEEP

The Maasai Women's Education and Empowerment Program USA had an awesome African Dinner at the beginning of this month for a fundraising event. We are now just wondering if it will be an annual event.

We had the amazing contribution of talent, skill and time when Simba Tirima and his wife Koi Tirima volunteered their time to cook the meal. Simba is the International Student Recruitment Director at the University of Idaho and Koi is a Professor of English at Olympic College in Bremerton, WA.
They cooked: Chicken a la Simba, Githeri, Baked Rice with Kenya seasonings, Ntorro, Chapati and Kenyan Chai. It was a very delicious meal with many going back for seconds.

A VERY BIG thank you to Simba and Koi. They made the evening special.

We also had guests from Project Baobab, Wambui (who works for Microsoft and is a Project Baobab board member)and Alice (the new Executive Director for Project Baobab who is moving back to Kenya). You will have read the blog about our work with Project Baobab in Kenya. Wambui spoke about the impact of educating the village women and the difference that makes for her, her family and the community. Thanks go out to both of them for taking the time to join us.

We appreciate our guests for taking the time to be there and to learn about the need for educational opportunities for the girls and women. We are so thankful for all the contributions and for those who have said they wish to host a "Dinner In" or a "Lunch In".

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