MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spring Fundraising Events

This Spring we have had several "lunch or dinner in" events. The idea is to host a lunch/tea/dinner/etc where women are invited to attend and bring a friend. The host presents the food or shares with another friend or ?. One or more board members of MWEEP USA attends to provide a presentation on the program. This usually includes photos, traditional Maasai clothes and beads work as well as information about the girls and women receiving costp-share help with school fees and for the woman in the village coursework to learn how to develop and present a business plan.

Luncheon at Loanna Day's (MWEEP Founder)
AMY'S CHOCOLATES FROM BREMERTON, WA donated chocolate dipped strawberries.
Loanna made an African Peanut Soup with shrimp that had been caught by her
home on the Hood Canal. The new brochure, business card and first newsletter
were introduced.

Dinner at Barb Stark's (MWEEP Corresponding Secretary)
Barb hosted a meal of salads and did the presentation with Pat O'Rourke (MWEEP)
Vice-President) and Liz Drew (MWEEP Secretary). Some members of Pat's guided
tour to Kenya were also present and sharing their stories.

We have had about 10 - 20 women attending our events, a very manageable group.
Those attending are friends, neighbors and colleagues as well as other women who they bring.

Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church Women's Ministries hosted a "Maasai in May" event. It was the 3rd annual gathering to hear about the needs of girls and women in Kenya. Wendy Kraft (MWEEP Donor Relations), Barb Stark (Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Coffey (MWEEP Financial Advisor) and Loanna Day (MWEEP Founder)helped with the presentation. The Fellowship Group of the church handled the meal which was provided greens for salad and guests brought toppings for the salad. We were delighted to have Hellen Pulei (MWEEP KENYA Assistant Chairlady) attend and speak to us (she is visiting her husband in the Seattle area) and Koi Tirima (Kenyan daughter, wife, mother and Professor of English at Olympic College) to share the way education makes a difference for the women in Kenya.
We had about 30 women in attendance who came from CKPC, Summit Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Point Presbyterian church and other invited friends.

The photos are of: Hellen and Shiela, Koi Tirima (in blue), Hellen Pulei(in red) presenting, Barb Stark and friend at the dinner table, and women at Loanna's luncheon.

"Educating women is like a vaccine against poverty and AIDS/HIV"
-- Koi Tirima (Kenyan daughter, wife, mother, Professor of English Olympic College, Bremerton, WA)

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