MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Secondary Girls School in the Rift Valley

I was pleased to be able to view the new secondary girl's school in the Rift Valley. It is in the village of Kimuka right next to the Primary school there where Joshua Santiamo is the headmaster.

I did meet Joshua but school had already ended for the year so didn't have an opportunity to view his school.

The new school is ready to open this January. It will be a day school until there are funds to build the dormatories. It is my understanding that they will begin with Form 1 (9th grade to us) and add a Form each each year through Form Four.

A church in Ireland matched the money the greater community raised. The Maasai "taxed" each man a certain amount and each woman a lesser amount. Once they met their commitment, the group came with the rest of the money and built the school.

This group is called Asterias. You can see their webpage at and then go to Team 2007.

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