MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Dear Friend Rosemary, MWEEP Chairlady

Rosemary is the chairlady of MWEEP. She also holds many leadership roles in the community and church. She hosted us during our stay and was very gracious to us. It was great to meet some of her children and some of her extended family. Rosemary has been hosting many volunteers this year. We were privileged to meet Kasey Cox who was also staying at Rosemary's home while he builds his own house on a back piece of here land. He is the field director for Network of Change Organization.
He is working on sustainable gardening both at his place and in the school yard.

Rosemary teaches at the Oloshoi bor Primary school. We arrived the second to the last day of school for the year. The new school year starts in January.

No sooner was she done with marking children's reports and closing up her classroom, then she started working with me and the MWEEP women. We had a meeting with some of the scholarship receipients, also with the MWEEP officials, then the whole MWEEP group. Another day she and Lucy went with me to meet the executive in country director of Project Baobab in Nairobi -- that turned out to be a whole day event, but very productive. I'll do a separate blog entry on our progress with Project Baobab. We met again with a Maasai women who is one of their trainers and has a DEEP heart for women and especially Maasai women.

Rosemary and I discussed using local transportation to get around rather than renting a car and driver. WOW! those experiences gave me many memories. More on the matatu rides in another blog.

More later, loanna

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