MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Friday, January 21, 2011


Esther, MWEEP's Moi University graduate, is teaching at this school, hired by the board until she receives her diploma in Feb 2011. Then she can be a government hire. We headed north in the Rift Valley. Once we got to a spot along a large escarpment, we stopped for a "picnic"--chapati, peanut butter, liquid yogurt, bananas and sodas. This was an unusual experience for our Maasai friends.

Esther was pointing toward Ewuaso and Mt. Susua. We still had to drive down the rest of the escarpment and then along the valley to Ewuaso and further to the school. Esther is in her classroom, schedule for a day, and Esther Sein one of our scool fee recipients.

Esther was a Form 4 student so she has now completed secondary school. She will receive her marks in Feb. She wants to go to university to be a nurse. She was proud to share with us that she was the head of her dorm. This school has 4 dorms with 50 girls in each dorm. This is a fairly new school. Esther is the younger sister of Grace, the first girl Jon & I helped with school fees in 2004.

It was an amazing day for all of us. Even our driver told me later that it was one of the better driving days for him.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


While we were staying at Josephine's place in Ilngarooj, we took a day to visit at Hannah's home. It was about a 30 minute walk through the bush toward the Ngong Hills.

(Ngong Hills in background)

Hannah had prepared a meal for us in her hut. She was proud to show us the home she was building that was nearly complete.

walking back to Josephine's home with their Lululemon bags

Arriving at Josephine K. home in Ilngarooj was thrilling. Some of the MWEEP sponsored girls and mothers were there to greet us as well as others from the community. This is the home of Esther our MWEEP student who finised university.
We spent several days here getting to know this family (josephine has a large shamba --garden and she is in charge of the bore hole pump. If you bring diesel she will send water to your home. if you can't afford the diesel she'll let you come to get water from her tank.
Food was delicious, my favorite sakuma wiki (sauted kale), Jon's favorite chapati (like a large tortilla), beans, rice, etc,


It was very exciting to finally be heading to our first home, Josephine K had invited us to stay in the village of Ilngarooj.
This also the home of Esther our student graduating from Moi University.