MWEEP Makes a Difference

MWEEP Makes a Difference
school fee receipients

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Jon and Loanna Day are heading to Kenya today, November 29, 2008. We'll fly on BA through London. Since we get in too late for the flight to Nairobi, we'll spend the night with our daughter's family in Reading, England. Then on December 1 we'll arrive in Nairobi late, spend the night and head out to Ngong (east side of the Ngong Hills) and then continue to Oloshoi-bor (east side of the Ngong Hills in the Rift Valley) We'll be spending the first 8 nights with Lucy.

Many of you have heard her story.

On Saturday, December 6th we will be attending an all day event -- the graduation of the women taking the coursework from Project Baobab/MWEEP. The women will be presenting their business plans after 19 weeks of attending class ( 3 or 4 Saturdays a month, June -November). The top 1/3 of the class will receive a $100 grant to start their business.

We will also be meeting with the girls who receive help with their school fees to attend secondary school and some of their parents. One girl is attending Moi University and she would like to give back to her community by having a meeting with the girls in the village. Even thought school is not in session in December, we will be able to visit Olooseous Secondary Boarding School where some of our girls attend.

We will also visit with a Kenyan organization called FAWE and also the Green Belt Movement in order to make connections for MWEEP Kenya.

The second part of our trip we will be staying out of the Rift Valley on the east side of the Ngong Hills with Christine and her husband. She has been managing our coursework with Project Baobab. The MWEEP Kenya women and I will be meeting with Project Baobab to evaluate the coursework.

On December 19th we will be heading back to England to spend Christmas with the Marcus and Amanda Hahnemann family. This will be grandparent time.